Can't go any lager
The word lager is German for "to store." Lagers use a bottom fermenting yeast that requires cold temperatures and long periods of time to produce. The bad news is cold storage and the lengthy fermentation is hard on small brewers. The good news is bottom fermentation produces a clean, crisp, refreshing beer millions of people the world over love.
Why we love lagers
Germany, Holland, Canada, and the United States are all countries where lager reigns supreme. While there is a broad difference between lagers, there isn't as much variety to be found as with its ale cousin. Here in America, pilsner lagers rule the day. The Big 3 (Anheuser-Busch, Coors, and Miller Brewing Company) mass produce pilsners that can be found from coast to coast and border to border. There probably isn't a liquor store in the U.S. where you can't find beers from the Big 3. American lagers have 2 things in common. They are all pretty similar and they are very refreshing. The refreshing and thirst quenching nature of American lager lends itself to being mass consumed. As much as we love a good Imperial Stout, its hard to drink about 18 of them on the lake over 15 or so hours. <Legal disclaimer: In no way is Stabbing Goat telling you it is safe to consume 18 beers. Always know your limitations and always use a designated driver. Responsibility is your responsibility.> This also brings up the biggest criticism of American beer. Its homogenous nature by producing to the lowest common denominator makes sense from a business point of view, but it doesn't produce beers with much flavor or character. One of the most common grains used to produce American lagers is rice. The next time you find yourself around rice and barley (We can't imagine the scenario), smell each of them. Rice doesn't distinguish itself with much flavor. Rice typically takes on the flavor of other ingredients and thins out the taste. Why go for a flavor that 15% of the population doesn't care for? The Big 3 try to make beers everyone can drink. Instead of making a beer 90% of the population loves, they try to make beer 100% of the population will drink. They then rely on advertising to sway you to one camp or the other.
Why we lager
We have a different philosophy at Stabbing Goat. We know that chicks dig lager so it reigns supreme. Seriously, a large number of craft and micro breweries are trying to resurrect the art of producing quality lagers in America. Germany and Holland have truly separated themselves with lagers with depth and character. Just ask around. You will find people who don't like Beck's or Heineken. But you'll also find almost fanatical following for each beer as well.
Stabbing Goat's lagers try to emulate this spirit. We aren't out to produce a beer everyone will drink and like. We are out to produce a beer some of you will love (especially the chicks).